App super easy story to pass the time optimal■ About the gameOptimal simple story app to kill time! Dash just a simple action game easily by tapping the screen!Let's jump over the hurdles running a knee God!
Rate at which the speed runs and hit the hurdle is lowered so, let me jump knee God by tapping the screen in a timely manner.Running speed by jumping in a row is up!
Beyond the vaulting box at the end, will extend the distance!Distance is extended to the end and go without running speed and distance changes, the timing of the jump even once!The record will be saved until now, please God manipulate knee aimed at new record!
■ How to playEasy to play. It is super easy operation just by tapping the screen.I tap the screen with good timing, speed up! Distance is changed by tapping the screen on a table in a timely manner because of the last occurrence of vaulting box!
■ IntroductionMainly Kusoge simple app, we are all free and open to the public 暇つぶし app, app story, action games, quiz games, mini games, Stick, qualifications and assay system.You can be in making the application to operate primarily Stick, easy to play and easily some free time, to pass the time!
Kusoge afloat, story app, the app will be supported and kill time or facebook (twitter) (facebook), GameCenter (Game Center), also each SNS twitter!Basic and simple one-touch operation you can do with one hand, I'm making apps and Kusoge 暇つぶし, material application, the mini games with utmost effort!
Thank you from the review that there is a request for a story like this 暇つぶし games and apps.Willingness to create applications following 暇つぶし, Kusoge, neta app up and can you post about anything and words of encouragement, to outspoken opinions!
■ God and kneesA person who knee often seen in a tone-deaf people who can not exercise or exercise is not growing. Was talking about "God knee" in the coinage of "shin and knee."Is enough to be mistaken, or the like running and race walking. It is often motor neurons seem most evil people who are not bent at the knee with the foot sport.
■ NotesIf you delete the app, games and data, the score will be deleted.